General Operation -v3


Use your Control Device to command your Z-wave Controller to change the tilt angle of the blinds. (Follow your Z-Wave Controller specific instructions for operating your user control device)

iblinds motor will tilt the blinds to any angle between 0-99

0 = Closed Down
50 = Fully Open
99 = Closed Up

The Control Device can be a Cell Phone, Tablet, Switch, Remote, Computer, or Voice Control using a digital assistant depending on the hub you are using.

Note: Upon first use, iblinds will auto-calibrate. It will cycle open and closed several times while finding the endpoints. Then it will move to the user requested position.

Binary Switch (ON/OFF)(OPEN/CLOSE)

When the blinds are commanded to be ON (OPEN) or OFF (CLOSED), the binary switch command is sent. The ON will resort to the blinds being fully open, and OFF will close the blinds.

Mutli-Level Switch (Slider %)

When the blinds are commanded to be a specific percentage open, this is sent which a MultiLevel Switch command.

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