This page contains the Over The Air (OTA) firmware and change logs for iblinds v3 and v3.1. This page will be updated with the most up-to-date firmware downloads, bug fixes, and enhancements.
To see which version you have: Click here
Note: See the following knowledge-base section for firmware installation instructions. Over The Air (OTA) Updates V3
Note: Beta firmware versions are intended for users that would like to test the fixes and features before the official production release. It should be a fairly stable release.
IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE YOU SELECT THE CORRECT FIRMWARE FOR YOUR MODEL and REGION FREQUENCY. Selecting the incorrect firmware can make your device unmanageable. Do not interrupt power to the device while the update is taking place. v3 firmware will not successfully load to a v3.1 device and vice versa.
iblinds model V3.1 – Firmware Updates follow format v3.1x (ex: v3.11, v3.12)
iblinds model v3 – Firmware Updates follow format v3.0x (ex: v3.03, v3.07)
Device Version v3.1 Firmware Updates — Firmware v3.1x

v3.12 – IB3.1ZWx
Bug Fixes
- US-Canada 908 MHz
- EU – Europe 868 MHz
- Australia & New Zealand 921 MHz
For iblinds v3.1 ONLY – iBlinds_v3.12_US
For iblinds v3.1 ONLY – iBlinds_v3.12_EU
For iblinds v3.1 ONLY – iBlinds_v3.12_ANZ
- Current Spike Detection Large/Heavy Blind – In the previous version we added motor protection that stopped the motor when the max current was reached. Added a spike detection to prevent false-positive this keeps large/heavy blinds from stopping before the target location has been reached.
- Duration Interrupt – Corrected duration interrupt problem. If a set command is sent while the blind is still processing a set command with a duration value the motor will now cancel the current duration command and handle the new command.
- New Z-Wave Parameters
8 | Min Tilt | Minimum Tilt level, Use if blind is closing too tight in the down direction | 0 | (0-25) | 1 |
9 | Max Tilt | Maximum Tilt Level, use if blind is closing too tight in the up direction | 99 | 75-99 | 1 |
10 | Remap 99 | Remap value 99 (ON) – Some Z-Wave controllers send 0x63 (99), instead of 0XFF(255) for ON, and this causes the blind to tilt to the endpoint when we really want it to turn ON 50%. This will also send an unsolicited REPORT to send the controller to update the current value to the default on Value (usually 50%) | 0 | 0,1 | 1 |
v3.11 – IB3.1ZWx
For iblinds v3.1 ONLY- Production baseline release.
Device Version v3 Firmware Updates — Firmware v3.0x

v3.08 – IB3.0ZWx
Bug Fixes
- US-Canada 908 MHz
For iblinds v3 ONLY – iBlinds_v3.08_US
- Current Spike Detection Large/Heavy Blind – In the previous version we added motor protection that stopped the motor when the max current was reached. Added a spike detection to prevent false-positive this keeps large/heavy blinds from stopping before the target location has been reached.
- Duration Interrupt – Corrected duration interrupt problem. If a set command is sent while the blind is still processing a set command with a duration value the motor will now cancel the current duration command and handle the new command.
- Battery Reporting – Fixed battery reporting bug introduced in v3.07
- New Z-Wave Parameters
8 | Min Tilt | Minimum Tilt level, Use if blind is closing too tight in the down direction | 0 | (0-25) | 1 |
9 | Max Tilt | Maximum Tilt Level, use if blind is closing too tight in the up direction | 99 | 75-99 | 1 |
10 | Remap 99 | Remap value 99 (ON) – Some Z-Wave controllers send 0x63 (99), instead of 0XFF(255) for ON, and this causes the blind to tilt to the endpoint when we really want it to turn ON 50%. This will also send an unsolicited REPORT to send the controller to update the current value to the default on Value (usually 50%) | 0 | 0,1 | 1 |
v3.06 – IB3.0ZWx
- US-Canada 908 MHz
- EU – Europe 868 MHz
- Australia & New Zealand 921 MHz
For iblinds v3 ONLY – iBlinds_v3.06_US
For iblinds v3 ONLY – iBlinds_v3.06_EU
For iblinds v3 ONLY – iBlinds_v3.06_ANZ
Bug Fixes
- Charge Adapter Input Filter – Enable charge adapter GPIO pin filter to eliminate ghost button push
- Motor Noise, Motor Stall Detection – Full-time motor current monitoring to detect a stall.
- New Calibration Activation methods
- Changed activation from 10 second long press to 5 short presses. The calibration routine does not start immediately start. Calibration begins when the next Z-Wave position command is received by the iblind motor.
- New Z-Wave Parameter #7 added for remote calibration start. Sending a value of 1 to Z-Wave Parameter 7 will immediately start the Calibration Routine.
(size = 1)
v3.03 – IB3.0ZWx
- US-Canada 908 MHz
- EU – Europe 868 MHz
- Australia & New Zealand 921 MHz
For iblinds v3 ONLY – iBlinds_v3.03_US
For iblinds v3 ONLY – iBlinds_v3.03_EU
For iblinds v3 ONLY – iBlinds_v3.03_ANZ
Bug Fixes
- Multicast – Multicast Command Support fixed to support Z-Wave controllers that use Multicast to control groups
- Battery Check – send an unsolicited battery report every 12 hours if the battery level changes more than 10% since the last check. Low-level battery reports are sent every 12 hours even if the battery level is not changed.
- Motor timeout – if commanded motor movement lasts longer than 20 seconds then clear endpoints and reboot the device.
- Security – Added back all Security options S0, S2 Un-Authenticated, S2 Authenticated
- Signal Strength – Improved Z-Wave signal strength
v3.01 – IB3.0ZWx
Production baseline release.